Christine took early retirement after 15 years working the care industry – but is about to start a new voluntary post because she wants to freshen up her skills and get back into work.
After some time off helping with her grandchildren, Christine now finds she has more time on her hands and is missing the hustle and bustle of her previous career – with an adverse effect on her mental health.
She has been working with Cyfle Cymru in Gwent, and wants to rebuild her confidence and gain valuable experience for her CV.
Christine will shortly begin volunteering at the Cefn Glas residential home, thanks to help from Rebecca Evans at Volunteer Matters (pictured left). She is excited about taking this next step, and thinks it will give her the drive and focus essential for her continued recovery.
Cyfle Cymru is delivered by members of the DACW Consortium.
Cyfle Cymru is part of the Welsh Government’s Out of Work Service, supported by the European Social Fund.