I never thought this would be something I would write up – but it’s been a pretty great journey of progress and achievement for me, and something which has been beyond what I could have imagined for myself.
Thanks to support from Cyfle Cymru, I have been able to attend groups and activities including confidence building and life skills, resilience, computer skills with Learn Direct, first aid training, the job application group, volunteering and cooking.
I think the biggest achievement for me has been applying to volunteer for Drugaid. With the help of my peer mentor Emma, I worked on making the application as good as it could possibly be and I am proud of how it turned out. That led to an interview, which in turn has been successful, and I am now awaiting the induction training. With all the help I have been able to set goals, achieve them, and continuously build my confidence. I am truly grateful for all the continued support.
I am super excited to keep achieving, keep motivated, stay determined, and attend as many groups and activities as possible. My ultimate goal is to be a substance misuse worker, and I am ready to work and study to the best of my ability to make that happen.
Everyone has been super friendly and super supportive to me – thank you!
Cyfle Cymru is delivered by members of the DACW Consortium.
Cyfle Cymru is part of the Welsh Government’s Out of Work Service, supported by the European Social Fund.